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what is mepco meter disconnection policy

Are you aware of the potential reasons why MEPCO, Multan Electric Power Company, might disconnect your electricity meter? It’s essential for every customer to be informed about the policy to avoid any unexpected disruptions. MEPCO can disconnect your electricity meter for several reasons, with the primary ones being non-payment of bills and violation of their rules and regulations. Let’s dive into a summary of their disconnection policy to ensure you’re well-informed and prepared.

The first and most common reason for disconnection is non-payment of bills. Failure to pay your electricity bill within the due date may result in a notice from MEPCO, followed by disconnection after a certain grace period. Another critical point to remember is that any attempt to manipulate the meter reading or bypass the meter is strictly prohibited and may lead to disconnection and legal action. It’s also essential to avoid using electricity for unauthorized purposes, as running illegal businesses or subletting electricity can lead to disconnection. MEPCO also emphasizes the importance of compliance with electrical safety regulations, as failure to do so may result in disconnection for safety reasons. Understanding the disconnection process, including the notice, grace period, and reconnection requirements, is crucial to navigate through the policy efficiently. For more detailed information, it’s recommended to refer to MEPCO’s official website or contact customer service for specific details regarding your situation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reasons for Disconnection:
    • Non-payment of bills: Failure to pay electricity bills within the due date can lead to disconnection after a grace period.
    • Tampering with the meter: Any attempt to manipulate the meter reading or bypass the meter is strictly prohibited and may result in disconnection and legal action.
    • Unauthorized use of electricity: Using electricity for unauthorized purposes, such as running illegal businesses or subletting electricity, can result in disconnection.
  • Disconnection Process:
    • Notice: MEPCO will send a written notice informing you of outstanding dues or violation and the date of planned disconnection.
    • Grace Period: You will have a grace period to clear dues or rectify the violation before disconnection.
    • Reconnection: To get your meter reconnected, you will need to pay outstanding dues, rectify the violation, and pay a reconnection fee.
  • Additional Information:
    • You can find the complete details of MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy on their website – http://www.mepco.com.pk/document/disconnection-policy
    • You can also contact MEPCO customer service through their helpline (0800-63726) or regional offices for further information or clarification.

Please note: This information is for general guidance only and may not be exhaustive. It’s always best to consult MEPCO’s official website or contact customer service for the latest updates and specific details regarding your situation. I hope this information helps!

Reasons for Disconnection

MEPCO has a strict disconnection policy in place to ensure the efficient use and management of electricity resources. There are several reasons for which MEPCO can disconnect your electricity meter, and it’s essential to be aware of these reasons to avoid any inconvenience.

Non-payment of bills

The most common reason for meter disconnection by MEPCO is non-payment of bills. The failure to pay your electricity bill within its due date can result in a notice from MEPCO and eventual disconnection after a grace period. It’s important to stay on top of your bill payments to avoid this situation.

The consequences of late payments or non-payment include the disconnection of your meter and potential legal action by MEPCO. It’s essential to manage your bills responsibly to maintain uninterrupted access to electricity.

Tampering with the meter

NonpaymentAny attempt to manipulate the meter reading or bypass the meter is strictly prohibited by MEPCO. Engaging in such activities can result in meter disconnection and legal action, which can have severe consequences for the consumer.

With more information and clarification about the prohibited actions and their potential consequences available on MEPCO’s official website, ensure that you are aware of the rules and regulations to avoid any problems with your electricity supply.

Unauthorized use of electricity

For those who may attempt to use electricity for unauthorized purposes, such as illegal businesses or unauthorized electricity subletting, MEPCO reserves the right to disconnect their meter. This highlights the importance of using electricity responsibly and in accordance with the law to avoid any disruptions in service.

Tampering with electricity meters or unauthorized use of electricity can not only lead to disconnection but also potential legal implications, making it crucial for consumers to comply with regulations to avoid any negative consequences.

Damage to electrical equipment

For those who cause damage to MEPCO’s electrical equipment, such as transformers or lines, disconnection of the meter may occur. This serves as a reminder to handle electrical equipment with care and avoid any actions that could lead to damage.

bills, violation, and potential liability for repair costs are serious considerations for individuals to bear in mind when dealing with electrical equipment to ensure the continuity of their electricity supply and avoid any complications.

Violation of safety regulations

With the safety of its consumers and electrical infrastructure a top priority, MEPCO enforces strict safety regulations to be followed by all users. Failing to comply with these regulations, such as overloading circuits or using unsafe wiring, can lead to disconnection for safety reasons.

Plus, noncompliance with safety regulations can pose serious risks to individuals and property, emphasizing the need for adherence to these guidelines to maintain a safe and uninterrupted electricity supply.

Disconnection Process

For the disconnection process, MEPCO follows a systematic procedure to ensure that customers are informed and given the opportunity to rectify any issues before the disconnection takes place.


For the disconnection process, MEPCO will first send a written notice to the customer, informing them of the outstanding dues or violation and the date of planned disconnection. This notice serves as a warning and an opportunity for the customer to take necessary actions to avoid disconnection.

For any customer who receives a notice, it is crucial to take it seriously and address the issues mentioned within the specified timeframe to prevent disconnection.

Grace Period

For the disconnection process, customers who receive a notice will be given a grace period to clear their dues or rectify the violation before the disconnection takes place. It is in the best interest of the customer to utilize this grace period to resolve the issue and avoid disconnection.

Periodically checking for any outstanding dues or violations and taking prompt action during the grace period can prevent the inconvenience of disconnection and potential additional costs.


To ensure a fair process, if the customer fails to take action within the grace period, MEPCO will proceed with disconnecting the meter. This is done in accordance with their policy and regulations to uphold the integrity of the electrical system.

Any attempt to bypass the disconnection process may lead to legal action and further consequences for the customer, so it is important to adhere to the terms set by MEPCO.


On satisfying the necessary conditions, such as clearing outstanding dues, rectifying the violation, and paying a reconnection fee, customers can request for their meter to be reconnected. This process allows customers to restore their electricity supply after addressing the issues that led to the disconnection.

With prompt action and compliance with the reconnection requirements, customers can avoid prolonged periods without electricity and resume normal utility services.

Additional Information

Your understanding of MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy can be further enhanced by accessing additional information through their website and customer service support.

MEPCO’s website for complete disconnection policy details

Complete details of MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy, including the specific reasons for disconnection, the disconnection process, and reconnection requirements, can be found on their official website. It is essential to familiarize yourself with all the comprehensive details and nuances of the disconnection policy to ensure compliance and avoid any potential disconnection of your meter.

Contacting MEPCO customer service for further information

For additional details and clarification regarding MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy, you can reach out to their customer service through their helpline (0800-63726) or regional offices. The customer service representatives can provide you with personalized assistance and specific information tailored to your situation.

When contacting customer service, make sure to inquire about any latest updates and specific details pertinent to your circumstances, as policies and regulations may change over time.


From above, it is evident that MEPCO has a stringent meter disconnection policy in place with clear reasons and a process for disconnection. Non-payment of bills, tampering with the meter, unauthorized use of electricity, damage to electrical equipment, and violation of safety regulations are all potential grounds for disconnection. However, MEPCO follows a structured process before disconnecting a meter, including sending a notice and providing a grace period for customers to rectify the situation. It is important for customers to be aware of these reasons and the disconnection process to avoid inconvenience and potential reconnection fees.

In conclusion, it is crucial for MEPCO customers to stay informed about the meter disconnection policy and to adhere to the rules and regulations to avoid any disruptions in their electricity supply. By accessing the complete details on MEPCO’s website or seeking information from their customer service, customers can ensure that they are aware of the latest updates and specific details relevant to their situation. Understanding and complying with MEPCO’s policy will help customers manage their electricity bills and usage more effectively while maintaining a reliable supply of electricity.

MEPCO Meter Disconnection Policy FAQ

Q: What are the primary reasons for disconnection of an electricity meter by MEPCO?

A: The primary reasons for disconnection of an electricity meter by MEPCO include non-payment of bills, tampering with the meter, unauthorized use of electricity, damage to electrical equipment, and violation of safety regulations.

Q: What is the process for disconnection of a meter according to MEPCO’s policy?

A: The disconnection process begins with MEPCO sending a written notice to the customer informing them of the outstanding dues or violation and the date of planned disconnection. The customer is provided with a grace period to clear the dues or rectify the violation. If no action is taken within the grace period, MEPCO will proceed with the disconnection. To get the meter reconnected, the customer must pay the outstanding dues, rectify the violation, and pay a reconnection fee.

Q: Where can I find more information about MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy?

A: Complete details of MEPCO’s meter disconnection policy can be found on their official website at http://www.mepco.com.pk/document/disconnection-policy. Additionally, customers can contact MEPCO customer service through their helpline (0800-63726) or regional offices for further information or clarification. It’s important to note that this information is for general guidance and may not be exhaustive, so it’s advisable to consult MEPCO’s official website or contact customer service for the latest updates and specific details regarding individual situations.

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